Oh I don't even know where to start. This last week has been a blur. So much information and medical terminology has been thrown my way that my mind is overloaded.
Mom's midevil torture device that was removed sunday |
Mom is still in Wichita at Wesley Medical Center. Thus far she has undergone two surgeries, the first on Tuesday morning, which ended up being not nearly as repairative as they were hoping, they were only able to put in external pins because of the swelling on her leg. This apparatus looked like some sort of torture device. However it stabilized some of the bones in her leg until they could do go in and repair some things. The 2nd surgery ended up happening unexpectedly at 7:30 this last Sunday morning. Dad and I were both getting ready to head up there, and weren't able to be there for the actual surgery as they took her in before either of us could make it to the hospital. But at least that eliminated the pacing of the halls on our part. This time, they were only able to repair the tibia, and the took off the external stabilizer that was attached on Tuesday. At the end of this surgery, she ended up with a couple of plates, and 11 screws on her tibia alone. They weren't able to repair her fibula as the tissue and bone are still way too bruised. There are plenty more surgeries to come.
Some of the plates and screws in mom's right tibia |
They are hoping to get her moved to Salina Regional Health Center possibly as soon as today so she can hang out a little closer to home until her next surgery. From what I understand, they are taking it on a week by week basis. They will see her back next week at Wesley and see if the swelling and bruising has lessened enough to be able to repair any of the other breaks and fractures. By the time this is all said and done, it sounds like Mom will have enough metal in her right leg to set off TSA alarms at the airport. They are also saying that when they get to repairing the ankle, she will have to have so many screws, pins etc, that she will have very limited mobility of her ankle, and will not have any side to side mobility. But she is very insistent that she WILL walk again.
I spent the last two days with her in Wichita, and I think it did her good to see the kiddos. Spending two days straight in the hospital was a lot for them, but they were very good, and they needed to see her as much as she needed to see them. We got to go have dinner with my good friend Becky and her family Sunday night, and that was something I had been meaning to do for months now, so thanks for the excuse to get down there to see them, Momma!!
Mom's feet wrapped up post-surgery No. 2 |
Ok, so there's the physical updates I have so far. On the emotional side of things, I must say that I am so proud of my mom. She is such a go-getter, that I have been so worried about her being down for as long as she potentially may be. But she has actually been the one keeping me going. She keeps assuring me that she's ok, that her spirits are good, and that she's not in very much pain. She's getting on facebook to pass the time, and taking phone calls, and "micro-momaging" me (a loving little term I coined for her) from her hospital bed as well as she always did from home. We are trying to keep things in order like she always did, and although we probably aren't doing as good of a job as she always does, at least we had a good teacher. I have been checking the mail and the cards are flooding in. I think through all of this mom is going to realize just how many lives she has touched over the years, and how many people love and care about her. She is lucky to be surrounded by friends and family that love her, and are willing to do whatever needs done to help at this point. You know, when something like this happens, so many people say "let me know if there's anything I can do to help", and honestly, sometimes you know that it's just a courtesy. It's the right thing to say. But I honestly believe that the help we have been offered this past week has all been very genuine, and for that, I want to thank everyone who has reached out from the bottom of my heart. At one point last Tuesday, I had over 70 unanswered text messages and over 30 facebook private messages on my phone. The support has been overwhelming, and very heart warming. But keep it coming. This is going to be a very long process. And while we may not need a ton of help right now, I get the feeling that when she does finally get to come home is when we may start calling in some of those favors.
But for now, all I am focusing on is counting my blessings. My kids weren't in that car. My mom is still on this earth, and eventually will be walking it again. And she was also in a car that withstood that impact. Some of those other cars that were scattering the shoulder of the road that night wouldn't have survived hitting that beam. And while I hate to see my mom in pain, the alternative of her, or someone else losing their lives that night is unthinkable. This will be a very long road, but she WILL be ok eventually. And for that, I am so grateful.
I also want to say thank you to all of the Dickinson County EMS, Fire and other First Responders that were there that night. You did your job very well. You kept everyone else safe, and all things considered, the scene was not nearly as chaotic as it could have been. You did your best to keep my mom calm, and me calm, and seeing some familiar faces was comforting. I have had several of them contact me and check on my mom, and it's nice to know that these people out there protecting us and rescuing us truly do care. They are out there for the right reasons. Keep up the good work, you're awesome!
I will update when I know more, but right now it's an awful lot of "hurry up and wait". But I'm ok with waiting on mom at this point, I've been doing it my whole life :).
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