Sunday, January 25, 2015

Cosmetologists: What people think we do VS. What we ACTUALLY do

I live the high life.  I get to sit around, and primp, and read gossip magazines, and get my hair done at least once every two weeks.  Oh, and when I'm not busy, I get to go shopping!  When shopping gets boring, I can always just sit around outside smoking, and getting caught up on the local gossip. I take selfies any time I am having a good hair and makeup day, and I make sure that I flirt with every man that walks through the door of my salon.  In fact, I wear the lowest cut shirts possible to make sure he tips me really well!  I work bankers hours, when I actually work, because, after all, I am never really at the salon.  And when I am on yet another break, I will just sit around and wait for appointments to come in, because I really have nothing else to do.  You have to have the IQ of a gnat to do hair.  Lucky for me, it takes NO brains!  I make so much money that I don't know what to do with it all.  All of the amazing vacations I take are starting to get old, maybe I will just buy my own island.

Now, you want to know the truth?  That whole paragraph up above? It's a load of crap.  That may be what a majority of people seem to perceive as the truth, but I'm about to give you a rather large does of reality... I'm a hairdresser, but...  I'm a plumber.  The other day, I actually took apart the pipes under one of the shampoo bowls and pulled out a hair ball the size of a sewer rat.  And it stunk.  Welcome to my glamorous life.  Most days, I am a therapist, a chemist, an artist, and a sales woman.  I come in early, and stay late to squeeze people in that can't come in during my working hours, and on my busy days, some times my only break all day is to pee when a merciful client relives me in the middle of their blow out because they notice that my teeth are starting to float.  And speaking of floating... cruises, vacations, all of those trips?  Ya, I'm scared to go on them because a whole week out of the salon means a whole week without pay.  Paid vacations don't exist in this industry.

By the way, say you have someone in your chair who is wanting to go to a pale level 9 blonde from a level 6.  Natural from the scalp to about 3 inches out, and heavily hi lighted at the ends.  How do you formulate the end result?  And to top it off, you're out of 30 volume developer, so you're going to have to make it.  No brains, huh?  That's where the chemist and mathematician comes in.  We have to cut through the underlying pigment of the natural hair, prime the over processed ends, and make it all look even, for a pretty end result.  Hence, the artistry.

"I like this shirt", said no Hairdresser Ever!
And let's break down the men factor.  I don't want your man!  I have a man.  And one is all I can handle.  The last thing I want is another one.  Yes, I smile at him. Yes, I talk to him, and carry on a conversation.  THATS WHAT WE ARE TRAINED TO DO!!!! I don't want to spend half an hour in awkward silence, I'M A TALKER!!!  All I want, is to give him a good haircut, collect his money, and send him on his way until 4 weeks from now when he needs another haircut, repeat.  And as far as the low cut shirts, and dressing skanky?  Our wardrobe is limited.  I went to put on one of my favorite shirts today, only to have to change because unbeknownst to me, I was attacked by a color tube last time I wore it.  If I wouldn't incinerate while blow drying, if it were up to me I would wear turtle necks all the time!  Do you know how unpleasant it is to pull a clump of hair out from between your boobs and NOT know who it belongs to?  It's rather disturbing.  And we won't even talk about the whole hair in the bra issue, AND the belly button... Yuck!

So if it's that bad, why do we do it?  Because it's not that bad.  Because all of that stuff is worth it.  It is worth the long days, and the negative stereotypes to be able to do what I have a passion for.  It is worth knowing that you can turn someone's entire day around just by doing something you're good at.  People come to their hairdressers to feel better about themselves, and I am lucky enough to get to be a part of that.  I have seen people become engaged, get married, have babies.  I have watched kids grow into young adults, and graduate.  I have shared in great joys, and great losses.  I get to be a part of people's families, and their lives.  We give advice, and we receive it as well.  We get as much out of some of those visits as the client does.  Some of our clients enhance our lives as much as we do theirs.  They become extended family.  Our clients are more than clients, they are friends.  I have a little old lady that is like another grandmother to me.  I watched her bury her husband who suffered from Alzheimer's last year, she brings me treats for holidays, and helps me plan out dinner ideas for the week.  If I go more than two weeks without seeing her, I get sick to my stomach for fear that something happened to her and I didn't know.  I love her.  And I love spending time with her.  That 45 minutes every Saturday is as therapeutic for me as it is her.

My point: you have to take the good with the bad.  No career is perfect.  But while it isn't as glamorous as most may think, it is so worth it!  No career is perfect.  And you won't get rich in money at first doing it, it will fill your heart as soon as you start forming relationships with your clients.  And if you still don't believe me about the whole rolling in the money ordeal... Stay tuned.  I will be breaking that down for you very, very soon!!


  1. AWESOME and SOOOOOOO true !!! I 100% agree with ALL of it !!!

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  2. This just made my day! Hard to explain what we really do for what we love...thank you

  3. This made me tear up!! I have only been doing hair for almost a year, but this describes my everyday to a T. I have that little older lady every Saturday! She had dementia and I worry myself to death if I don't see her. I have been known to call her caregiver (daughter) just to make sure she's okay. Thank you for this article!!

  4. 22 years of being a hairstylist and that is honestly the most truth I have read in a long, long ,time!! Thank you for setting the masses straight!

  5. No vacation? No sick days either! And it's not just about the money, it's about getting each of your favorite clients in because you care about them too much to have to tell them no or put them off on someone else...Thanks so much for this article!

  6. As I,like many of us out there do, and I thank you for making the realization of being a professional come to light!! I'm not a women working the streets, I a women, mom, working to make a living, I hate that women think we are after their men, and men thinking were easy targets for them to stalk.It's a job, a rewarding job at times just as an officer, doctor,factory worker, your the job that needs to be completed in a timely fashion, just as you have a dead line.So think again next time you want your hair done, Oh yeah ....tip your damn hair dresser a decent wage, on your way out so they can pay there bills as well, Thank you and have a nice day!

    1. Do you have any clients? You seem like an angry woman

    2. Why tip hairdressers when we are already paying them for their service?

    3. To whoever asked why tip your hairdresser when you are already paying for your service....
      You tip them to show them appreciation for the wonderful work they did for you. It is the same concept of a waitress or waiter. You tip them even though your paid for your food already. What we do takes talent and time and we take such pride in our work it is just nice to know that people love it as much as we do.

    4. most of us dont own the salon and only make commission. Just like food servers live of tips!

  7. True from finish !!!! :)

  8. I love the blouse, great tits... I mean tips.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I am re-posting this link after reading the whole blog and I think the blogger is SPOT ON!.... Hair Stylists get a bum rap...... They are Artists,,,,, People need to give credit where credit is due..... One thing I noticed that wasn`t mentioned was Hair stylists working their butts off trying to make a princess out of a sows ear so to speak.... Some people have wonderful hair for them to work with others don`t and they still walk out looking pretty darn good........ Thank you to all the stylists that I have had and a very special Thank you to the stylist(you know who you are) I had for over 35 years, she taught me a lot.... Thank you and God Bless you .....Hugs!

  9. here are the top 10 things I know as a hairdresser, what are yours??

    Ten things I know for sure as a Hair Dresser

    1. I know I made the right decision 39 years ago to forgo a college education and risk the ridicule of my academic family to embark on an adventure of education, demoralization, humility, hard work, intense self scrutiny, passion, determination and success.

    2. The more you know, the more you know you don't know. Every day, every year, every lifetime, the more information you absorb and assimilate makes you humbly aware that there is so much more that you do not understand nor recognize.

    3. The "ah has" you learn through trial and error are all the more satisfying for the sense of discovery, but disheartening that they took you so long to learn.

    4. I always remember Roy Peters saying "There are only two rules of color you need to know. 1, that opposite colors on the color wheel neutralize each other out and 2, the darker color will always dominate. That was the canvas I was able to draw on for every law of color I learned afterwards. He was brilliant to put it so succinctly.

    5. That in sharing education with others, you receive the gift of encouragement, praise, knowledge, humility, and satisfaction. And the satisfaction is worth more then any of the money i ever got paid. I never forget the letters from persons that i have influenced in anyway. It is the highest achievement or award.

    6. I have the power of touch. I have the opportunity in my work to touch people physically, spiritually, intellectually and emotionally. It not only empowers me it empowers them as well, because they become a part of the connection that binds us all together.

    7. I know that i can cut someone's hair, and make their life easier for them. A good haircut styles itself, when it is not so good, every morning is a difficult exercise of frustration. I love it when a client comes in and tells me how easy their hair is to do.

    8. The most difficult thing for me being hair dresser is working on people who are unhappy or do not like themselves. because I will never be able to please them.

    9. I love being a part of a business that is such a left brained and right brained dichotomy. I , being a logic driven individual am continually fascinated by puzzling out how to accomplish methods and techniques to make my work easier and better. On the other hand I am continually challenged to create art not limited by logical applications. I admire the vision that is able to enjoy the process of creating beautiful art effortlessly, while i have to work at it so hard.

    10. What i know most about being a hairdresser is that it is a life force that runs through me and i could never give it up just like i cannot survive without breath in my lungs. I will be a part of this industry forever, because I have helped to teach and inspire those coming after me. And I see in them the passion to help others learn as well. I am not famous nor well known, but I am respected and enjoyed by those who know me well. It is the fame I live for.

    1. Number 8 is the best truth out there!!!!

    2. 35 years experience here, still love it today as much as I did my first day behind the nailed it!

    3. #8 is something I have to remind myself of constantly!

    4. my mother has been a cosmetologist for over 40 years and I have learned over the coarse of my life people may talk shit about her but she is the most hair knowlegable peron I know and a caring compassionate smart woman that truly LOVES working with people and their hair its definitely been her dream... I live in small town and for her to make it for over forty years people should not talk shit they should say WOW what a fantastic career u have made being in business that long says something!!! MY MOM = AWESOME HAIR DRESSER!!! love ya mom!!

    5. Thank-you Francie,I feel like you wrote that for me. This June Im 39 years also. This is so dead on. I don't know where the time went .I could only hope I'm look at as I seen my peers that inspired me . You gave me a flash on the Roy Peters #4. Now how many people can say they know this great man. Thanks again I may copy if you don't mind. Now get to work ,LOL

  10. Has anyone noticed the reflection in the mirror? she has no clothes on, just a bra and stockings. I think I need a haircut

  11. I did! my comment...whether that's YOUR man in the pic or someone else's', you just wasted your time and breath telling us "what you do". Kinda obvious.

    1. ... Pretty sure that's a stock photo, not the author, to illustrate what people think about hairdressers.

    2. I think you kinda don't know what you're talking about! That picture is definitely a stock photo, she's using it to prove her point of what people think of her. If you can't keep your ignorant comments to yourself, Angela Pennell, then please comment on someone else's board/blog. thanks!

    3. It's a stock photo. My salon has a dress code. But thanks for playin!

    4. There aren't any other stock pictures to choose from? Why would someone be cutting hair in a bra? It makes no sense. It's the only thing I could think about while reading your blog. It's taking away from your point, in my opinion. I don't know you at all and the whole time I was reading it, I assumed that was you in the picture. I'm glad I took the time to read the comments, but most people aren't going to and the image with your blog name and title are what is floating around FB....a lot of people aren't going to click that link, they're just going to assume you're some woman who cuts hair in a bra and panties. I wouldn't want that if it were me.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Hmm. Good to know. But I'm still pretty sure most people get that it's a SARCASTIC stock photo.

    7. I realized it was a stock photo, but it completely takes away from your whole message that you want to be taken seriously. The part about wanting another woman's man is a small part of your article, which, was well written. But this picture...really? You couldn't find something more appropriate?

    8. There's other pictures in the post, and you're right, this is a very small part of it... So I'm confused as to why this is your focus?? Good day!

    9. Also, if you don't like it, feel free to move on to another blog!

  12. I enjoy masturbating beneath the cover while getting my haircut, I've never been caught yet and always get off. I leave good tips. :-)

    1. Dude, not cool! Not cool at all! If you want to beat off keep that shit in the privacy of your home.

    2. I have had several dudes in my chair to do this. I quickly flipped the cape up when I stepped in front of one guy and he flipped out because there in his hands was....!!!! he left with half a cut because I threatened to call 911 on him!!! It was funny after the fact.

    3. LOL....that definitely is funny. Serves him right. I would have done the same thing.

    4. How does it feel to walk out of the salon with a mess in your pants? Idiot!!

  13. My kids don't understand why I get so stressed when it snows. They think I hate snow, I don't. They get out of school, Daddy is payed salary so he still gets the same check, After 24 years in the business, I have yet to have a customer send me money if I can't do their hair! LOL! But I wouldn't choose any differently. I love my customers and I love being able to work my schedule around what's really important to me, my family. Thanks for sharing!

  14. This is so accurate it brought me to tears. Thank you!

  15. Really??? I don't think there is a person out there that has ever had their hair done believes and word of that. Please give us clients a little more credit. We too have a few brains. Most of us have or still do work for a living. Out schedules are not much different than yours

    1. I never said it was only our clients. I'm pretty sure my own father thought I was taking an easy way out by becoming a hairdresser. My husband thinks we all sit around and gossip, I wasn't saying everyone thinks this, but some out there obviously do! But hey, thanks for your input.

    2. Wow, why don't you try her job for a day then?? Obviously your mama didn't teach you manners. *smh*

  16. Save for your retirement since most salons do not provide retirement funds for us. I am 64 with 46 years in the business and continue to work because of low SS payments. I Love my job.

  17. MAVIS GAY HAMMOND SHEFFELJanuary 31, 2015 at 1:32 AM


  18. I just read a list of the least stressful jobs in America. Hairdresser was #1. You Are correct no job is perfect. And every job requires work and this one definitely requires skill. But it is still low stress, low pressure, very flexible and fun.

    1. unless your a hair dresser you have no idea the stress in the job. No its now a low stress job and its not all that flexible but your right about the one thing it is fun. I still enjoy it after 40 yrs.

    2. Did you know that most statistics are false? Because this one is definitely false!!!! Try working over 60 hours a week and still have clients who call to complain because you can't just "fit" them in. You then have to worry am I going to lose them as a client because it is so busy which ultimately effects your paycheck which effects your family. Oh there's a tornado on the ground close to your child daycare to bad they're gonna ask you to find someone else yo pick them up because clients are still coming in. Oh I'm sorry nobody told you about how the majority of us have to fo our own taxes and we don't have an employer who does all the behind the scenes tax mumbo jumbo for us. Among all of this the feeling you get when you turn your client around abound they tell you how beautiful they feel and how amazing you did makes every bit of your time away from your family, the stress of hoping your "boss" (your client) like the work you have done. Let's talk about that one for a minute... while most people who have a "normal" job you only have one or two bosses to please and answer to. We hairdressers have all of our clients hundreds of people and then you have your salon owners to answer to. Let that marinate for just a few....... ok now that that's done marinating can you imagine having a huge project you have to start and finish in an appropriate amount of time and have your boss actually love what you do... think about the things you don't see, we don't just have one client to take care of we have a wide array of clients who we love seeing each and every time we see them!! Like many people have said above this we do this because it is our passion and we are creative people who the most of wouldn't make it a day behind a desk. The gratification of being able to make people have a better day and easier morning and feel beautiful when they look at themselves everyday is the most rewarding job to us! We cherish our work like Picasso cherished his. We carefully think out each haircut or color or style to best suit each person every client that comes in is different so you have to customize for them. We love our jobs and are often not given the credit or respect we all deserve.

  19. Over the last 67 years, I have had 4 hairdressers. My mother's dearest friend, Maxine who cut my hair til I moved away from home, my hairdresser in Leadville for 19 years, and 2 these past 27 years. I have loved them all, and shared my life stories,and their life stories . These 4 women have brought many blessings into my life, and I'm not just talking hair. They have eased my life and brought joy, and tears. God bless them all.

  20. You definitely nailed it! I have 44 years in the business and it is my passion, my life and wouldn't trade a minute of it.I have made life long friends and family and raised two sons and never missed a game or event in their lives.I tell my son's pick an occupation you love and you will never work a day in your life...that's doing hair for me have never worked a day but have loved every minute of it! Thanks for the blog

  21. I love my job as a stylist, I love the people I work with. Omg my clients are awesome, I know my clients pretty good, you always have the special ones that know almost everything aboutyou and you know everything about them!!!!

  22. Thank you for writing this!! I am staying tuned for pt 2 !! Xoxo

    1. Pt 2 has already been posted

  23. #4 The great Roy Peters was absolutely correct. As well as the great Arnie Miller. I love my art. There are so many people whose lives I touch. The unfortunate side are those who think I make a killing doing a color in an hour,never mind the cost of my product,rent and education.Oh and the taxes. I still LOVE LOVE LOVE doing hair. It is my passion. This article is spot on!!

  24. this article is spot on. I am in a point of my career that I need to work part time. Husband is ill and I sold my salon to be able to work part time and 'play' part time till he isnt able to any more. To do this I work part time at a Great Clips. Not my favorite job but serves my purpose. I still have my shut-ins that I do every week (FREE!) just to keep my hands in the roller set mood and my head in the I love my client game. Yet I still get up every work day and I tell myself "Woo hoo!!! we get to go to work today!" it may not be the kind of work I want or enjoy the most but it is still my passion!

  25. Great article. My niece is my hairdresser and has been for years. She is great and works very hard at her craft. Yes, she does have flexible hours which is great since she is raising twin boys. Besides giving me the best haircut, she is also an excellent colorist. You didn't mention the family members who she takes care of and won't accept her regular fee because she knows they don't have it. She is a wonderful, loving and caring person and I am fortunate to be related to such a talented young woman!! She is the one who published this link on facebook!!

  26. This is a load of crock. I worked in a salon and immediately went back to school. Nothing but a bunch of priming and sitting around gossiping. Smh... you don't have it hard lady. Most of the American people actually WORK for a living. Don't justify just because you took the easy or should I say, lazy route. ;)

    1. Sorry you couldn't cut it! Must not have found the right salon for you... PS: quitters never win!

    2. This blog is very one sided. Not all hairstylists are female. Many of the most successful stylists are men.
      I love what I do. And no, I'm no flaming queen that old school, closed minded people think we are.
      I went to college. Wasn't driven to be a student for 4 more yrs. good thing I studied psychology because I use it everyday I work. People can be a pain in the ass. Then, there are so many others who you learn to love and look forward to seeing them.
      Hairstylists can make as much as many people who have a college degree and a lot of times more.
      It's hard work. People can suck the life out of you. You see people for yrs, then one day they're gone and you don't know what happened. Sometimes, it's good they leave.
      Hairdressers get much more respect than they used to but in some people's mind, we can't make a good living. Well, look up some of the most successful stylists in NY or LA, Etc. It will blow your mind. en in your own town stylists make great livings. Because they work hard, stay educated and Current with the latest styles and techniques. The world would be a dull place without hairdstykusts.

    3. I am a woman, therefore written from a woman's perspective. But thanks for adding that 2nd side.

  27. I want her to cut my hair!

  28. Prior to using an image. please look at it closely. She's not wearing pants in the reflection. and the image itself is from "Hotcuts"

  29. Love it u could also add what our lungs must look like and verocouse veins achy back and neck its a mentally and physically job

  30. Absolutely loved your post! As a self-employed custom woodworker, I can identify with a number of points you made. Our daughter started school of cosmetology in Oct. 2014 and is loving it! She is already at the top of her training and farther advanced than she should be. As her daddy, I am thrilled. She is so happy. I love to see her deep, smiling face when she shares her experiences with me. We talk to her often about the relationships she will and has already developed in her profession, but she knows that those relationships are more than just about profession. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Best of luck to her!!! Thank you for supporting her in her dreams!!

  31. I admire the woman who wrote this blog, for starters!! I personally was in the cos field for a little over 8 yrs before switching professions entirely; yet not a day goes by regretting a single moment of being a hairdresser/nail tech/makeup artist, etc. It absolutely is a job that requires an ambitious, multi-tasking, patient and quick thinking being. And I couldn't agree more about the most rewarding piece of this career being that of being able to make someone feel so good and confident about themselves as they look into the mirror; also the relationships that you form just as a whole. Ppl do not give any sort of professional in the cosmetology field enough credit whatsoever... Always judging! But this blog was perfectly written and I hope that it shed some light on even a few of the "blissfully ignorant". Walk a mile in someone else's shoes for a day before forming your wayward opinions ppl.

  32. I am wondering a lot by seeing such awesome post. Lots of thanks guys!! Kids Ride Wild

  33. You bitch a lot. No job is fun everyday get over it. Go outside and take another smoke break.

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  36. I'm getting sick of seeing the comments that say this is NOT a stressful job. Obviously, they have never run behind schedule, had a 2 year old cry, kick, and scream through the whole service, had a picky bride, an impossible to please high school girl going to prom, had a client tell you they want lemony yellow blonde hair without it looking brassy or gold, been so busy that you completely worked through lunch, had your spouse call wondering where you are because you said you'd be home an hour ago but squeezed in one more desperate client who has an interview the next day, had a 68 year old wrap his arm around your shoulders and ask if you want a sugar daddy, had a 400 pound man invite you to put your bikini on and hang out in his hot tub. Seriously, I could go on and on. But all of that aside - I LOVE MY JOB!

  37. There are good And bad in every profession. I'm sure there are salons out there where the stylists dress provocatively and sit around and gossip, just as I'm sure there are corporate management who sit at their desks and play computer games while collecting triple digit salaries. The point I think the author is trying to make is that the profession, generally speaking should not be trivialized. No one ever knows what goes on in any job unless they are personally involved in that profession. If you're not working in that profession you have no right to pass judgement. Also, the level of stress in any job changes constantly, based on circumstances. I have worked in both corporate jobs and in salons. You have good days and bad days in both areas, and both are equally important, because each serves a purpose in life. The ceo of company X may not view a stylist as"important",but to the person who has to re-enter the workforce after raising a family because their spouse just died, the stylist is a lifeline. Why must it Always be a matter of one being better than the other? We are becoming a narrow minded society. Just because YOU don't have a need for a certain service or product in your life, doesn't lessen its value. And for God's sake, get past the was meant to portray the theme of the article. If you can't figure that out then I feel sorry for you. Lighten up people!

  38. I'm sorry, but what was your excuse for wearing what looks to be lingerie to cut hair in? You have a limited wardrobe because you spill hair dye on yourself? Uh... ever heard of aprons? Or doing laundry? (Which wouldn't really matter because by the looks of it I'm sure the rest of your clothes are just as modest.) They should make a Hooters Hair Salon -- you'd fit right in!

    1. It's obviously a stock photo to prove her point that we DON'T dress like that but people assume we do

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    i am so blessed to have this card with me, i make withdrawals always and i am so rich now.
    if you need a real blank ATM card to help you out your income problem, contact this good hacker on his email
    then you will enjoy what i am enjoying now.

  45. I know a professional hacker globalhackingcompany@gmail.Com who has worked for me once this month. He offers legit services such as clearing of bad records online without being traced back to you, He clone phones, hack Facebook account,blank atm card, instagram, WhatsApp, emails, Twitter, bank accounts, Skype, FIXES CREDIT REPORTs, track calls. He also help retrieve accounts that have been taking by hackers. His charges are affordable, reliable and 100% safe. Contact him via address below...


A few tips from your friendly neighborhood hairdresser during these crazy times!

Twenty twenty hit the salon industry hard.  I think I can speak for most of us when I say: we are tired. We are tired of Covid, we are tired...